Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Beginning

Well this is the beginning. The beginning of my journey. The start of my project . This is the first post of what I hope is many blog posts in the coming months and years. This project it started about 5 months ago. When I realized that there is much to learn about the human mind and our thought process.  It is when I made the change the change that changed my life . The start  of my study of our mind , our thoughts our mental systems. Questions like :

  • What is thought ?
  • What is emotion ?
  • why do different people think different things?
I hope to use my skills as a software developer to help explain these thing.  along the way I hope to Share my  emotional ,  and technical   connection to this project.  every time i have a issue , or come up  with a solution I want to share it. I want people to come on the journey with me. During this time We will learn:

  1. Some advanced  programming topics 
  2. Some project management stuff 
  3. How to deal with human and emotional issues. 
  4. To crate a complete system from the ground up. 
If you would like to help out please join my git hub team
Follow me on twitter

 I will try and blog at least one or two times a day but I have a heavy work schedule and will be spending my free time working on this project.
Welcome and I hope we can change the world , or at least our thought of the world together


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