Friday, December 23, 2016

Explaining my choice not to use .NET Core

My choice to skip .NET core for Rosebloom

I thought I would take a minute to explain why  I choose not to use .net Core for Rosebloom. When I was evaluating .net core I have to admit, I wanted to use it. I think the idea is great . I love the idea of having a lightweight  framework with more advanced features and being built from the ground up it  seemed to take a way a lot of the frustrations that we as Microsoft developers faced with bloat in our code or trying to use jquery and package it with our release .  At that point a friend had mentioned that he was writing his new app with core. I  had made up my mind. At that point I only had a few classes written so it was the time to switch if I was going to. Then I started to think about all the libraries that I wanted to use , stuff for unit tests json and I started to look around and  what I found was there was a lot of overhead on getting certain things to work. Especially if the third party vendor has not got around to making a version for core.

All that Extra work

When I  first started , it was not to be on the bleeding edge of technology. This project was a exploration into my mind , our minds  That being said, If I could use the  latest and greatest tool set I would. If you look at the cost /reward for using Core you start to see the limitations. If you know your  code is going to run on windows and you  do not mind being a generation behind technology wise then I would strongly urge you to think about what the goals of your project are, Do you need to be on the cutting edge or are you just trying to get something done, Just one developer's opinion 

Working with Old Reliable 

In the end, I decided tto stick with what works, what I was constable with. ]I know I could try and get everything working with Core I just want to finish my logical project, not worry about why my code is not compiling just to realize there is a new bug and I need to wait for a hot fix.  I think .NET Core might be the future. It is just not ready for primetime yet .When your goal is to get a idea out there you need to be able to rely on the tool set.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Beginning

Well this is the beginning. The beginning of my journey. The start of my project . This is the first post of what I hope is many blog posts in the coming months and years. This project it started about 5 months ago. When I realized that there is much to learn about the human mind and our thought process.  It is when I made the change the change that changed my life . The start  of my study of our mind , our thoughts our mental systems. Questions like :

  • What is thought ?
  • What is emotion ?
  • why do different people think different things?
I hope to use my skills as a software developer to help explain these thing.  along the way I hope to Share my  emotional ,  and technical   connection to this project.  every time i have a issue , or come up  with a solution I want to share it. I want people to come on the journey with me. During this time We will learn:

  1. Some advanced  programming topics 
  2. Some project management stuff 
  3. How to deal with human and emotional issues. 
  4. To crate a complete system from the ground up. 
If you would like to help out please join my git hub team
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 I will try and blog at least one or two times a day but I have a heavy work schedule and will be spending my free time working on this project.
Welcome and I hope we can change the world , or at least our thought of the world together